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05/04/17, 14H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Eric Lescano


Background Independent Double Field Theory at Order α′: Metric vs. Frame-like Geometry

Olaf Hohm



20/04/17, 14H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Diego Marques


Relating duality covariant formulations of alpha-prime corrections.



27/04/17, 14H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Yago Cagnacci


The bosonic string on string-size tori from double field theory

Yago CagnacciMariana GrañaSergio IguriCarmen Núñez

Strings@ar Lectures on Advanced Topics of High Energy Physics


15/05/17 (Aula Seminarios, IAFE)


Juan Martin Maldacena, IAS, Princeton



1st Lecture, 10:00 - 11.15 hs : Motivations. The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaeev model and some of its propertie. Variations of the models.


2nd Lecture: 11:45 - 13:00 hs : Details of the model. Low energy limit. Low energy degrees of freedom related to reparametrizaitnos.​

3rd Lecture: 14:30 - 15:45 hs : Black holes close to extremality and AdS2. Gravity dynamics in AdS2 spaces. Similarities with Sachdev-Ye-Kitaeev.



11/05/17, 14H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Carmen Nuñez


Noncompact Symmetries in String Theory (Back to the future)

Jnan MaharanaJohn H. Schwarz

Lectures on supergravity


June - July, IAFE (Aula Chica)

Speaker: Diego Marqués



1) N=1 in D=4.

2) N=1 in D=10.

3) N=1 in D=10 in DFT.

4) D=11 sugra.

5) N=2 in D=10.

Each item discuses: susy transformations, closure, action, invariance, Leichnerowicz formula, etc.



29/06/17, 14H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Diego Marques


Duality Twisted Reductions of Double Field Theory of Type II Strings

Aybike Catal-Ozer



06/07/17, 14H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Yago Cagnacci

The moduli space of heteortic compactifications



13/07/17, 14H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Eric Lescano

Exceptional Field Theory I: E6(6) covariant Form of M-Theory and Type IIB

Olaf HohmHenning Samtleben

We present the details of the recently constructed E6(6) covariant extension of 11-dimensional supergravity. This theory requires a 5+27 dimensional spacetime in which the `internal' coordinates transform in the 27¯ of E6(6). All fields are E6(6) tensors and transform under (gauged) internal generalized diffeomorphisms. The `Kaluza-Klein' vector field acts as a gauge field for the E6(6) covariant `E-bracket' rather than a Lie bracket, requiring the presence of two-forms akin to the tensor hierarchy of gauged supergravity. We construct the complete and unique action that is gauge invariant under generalized diffeomorphisms in the internal and external coordinates. The theory is subject to covariant section constraints on the derivatives, implying that only a subset of the extra 27 coordinates is physical. We give two solutions of the section constraints: the first preserves GL(6) and embeds the action of the complete (i.e. untruncated) 11-dimensional supergravity; the second preserves GL(5) x SL(2) and embeds complete type IIB supergravity. As a by-product, we thus obtain an off-shell action for type IIB supergravity.



17/08/17, 12:30H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Diego Marques

The exceptional story of massive IIA supergravity

Franz CiceriAdolfo GuarinoGianluca Inverso

The framework of exceptional field theory is extended by introducing consistent deformations of its generalised Lie derivative. For the first time, massive type IIA supergravity is reproduced geometrically as a solution of the section constraint. This provides a unified description of all ten- and eleven-dimensional maximal supergravities. The action of the E7 deformed theory is constructed, and reduces to those of exceptional field theory and gauged maximal supergravity in respective limits. The relation of this new framework to other approaches for generating the Romans mass non-geometrically is discussed.



23/08/17, 13H (Aula Chica)

Speaker: Yago Cagnacci

L∞ Algebras and Field Theory

Olaf HohmBarton Zwiebach

We review and develop the general properties of L∞ algebras focusing on the gauge structure of the associated field theories. Motivated by the L∞ homotopy Lie algebra of closed string field theory and the work of Roytenberg and Weinstein describing the Courant bracket in this language we investigate the L∞structure of general gauge invariant perturbative field theories. We sketch such formulations for non-abelian gauge theories, Einstein gravity, and for double field theory. We find that there is an L∞ algebra for the gauge structure and a larger one for the full interacting field theory. Theories where the gauge structure is a strict Lie algebra often require the full L∞ algebra for the interacting theory. The analysis suggests that L∞ algebras provide a classification of perturbative gauge invariant classical field theories.



30/08/17, 13H (Aula Chica)

Speaker: Raju Roychowdhury

Emergent Gravity and Geometric T-duality

Darboux theorem and Moser lemma in symplectic geometry are the two essential ingredients of emergent gravity. Generalized geometry naturally provides the framework for such a systematic approach to non-symmetric metric gravity and gives rise to the group of Courant automorphism $Diff(M) \ltimes \Omega_{closed}^{2}(M)$ for the Pontryagin bundle $TM \oplus T^*M$. As further consequences of generalized geometry and Courant algebroid structure we found the imprints of Dirac structure in emergent gravity. The non-degeneracy and closure of the symplectic 2-form enable us to set up a connection between emergent gravity and Big isotropic structure of Vaisman. Finally we propose a geometric T-dual of emergent gravity implemented between oriented circle bundles and this duality is realized in terms of Gysin sequence in the cohomology. 



06/09/17, 13H (Aula Chica)

Speaker: Eric Lescano

Classification of non-Riemannian doubled-yet-gauged spacetime

Kevin MorandJeong-Hyuck Park

Assuming O(D,D) covariant fields as the `fundamental' variables, Double Field Theory can accommodate novel geometries where Riemannian metric cannot be defined, even locally. Here we present a complete classification of such non-Riemannian spacetimes in terms of two non-negative integers, (n,n¯), 0≤n+n¯≤D. Upon these backgrounds, strings become chiral and anti-chiral over n and n¯ directions respectively, while particles and closed strings are frozen over the n+n¯ directions. In particular, we identify (0,0) as Riemannian manifolds, (1,0) as non-relativistic spacetime, (1,1) as Gomis-Ooguri non-relativistic string, (D−1,0) as ultra-relativistic Carroll geometry, and (D,0) as Siegel's chiral string. Combined with a covariant Kaluza-Klein ansatz which we further spell, (0,1) leads to Newton-Cartan gravity. Alternative to the conventional string compactifications on small manifolds, non-Riemannian spacetime such as D=10, (3,3) may open a new scheme of the dimensional reduction from ten to four.



13/09/17, 13H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Walter Baron

Generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions from gauged supergravity

Gianluca Inverso

A procedure is described to construct generalised Scherk-Schwarz uplifts of gauged supergravities. The internal manifold, fluxes, and consistent truncation Ansatz are all derived from the embedding tensor of the lower-dimensional theory. The construction exhausts the class of generalised parallelisable spaces where the vector components of the frame are embedded in the adjoint representation of the gauge group as specified by the embedding tensor. This allows to recover the generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions known in the literature and to prove a no-go result for the uplift of ω-deformed SO(p,q) gauged maximal supergravities.



20/09/17, 13H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Sergio Iguri


Poisson-Lie T-Duality in Double Field Theory

Falk Hassler


We present a formulation of Double Field Theory with a Drinfeld double as extended spacetime. It makes Poisson-Lie T-duality (including abelian and non-abelian T-duality as special cases) manifest. This extends the scope of possible applications of the theory, which so far captured abelian T-duality only, considerably. The full massless bosonic subsector (NS/NS and R/R) of type II string theories is covered.



27/09/17, 13H (Aula Chica)

Speaker: Carmen Nuñez

O(d+1,d+1) enhanced double field theory

Olaf HohmEdvard T. MusaevHenning Samtleben

Double field theory yields a formulation of the low-energy effective action of bosonic string theory and half-maximal supergravities that is covariant under the T-duality group O(d,d) emerging on a torus Td. Upon reduction to three spacetime dimensions and dualisation of vector fields into scalars, the symmetry group is enhanced to O(d+1,d+1). We construct an enhanced double field theory with internal coordinates in the adjoint representation of O(d+1,d+1). Its section constraints admit two inequivalent solutions, encoding in particular the embedding of D=6 chiral and non-chiral theories, respectively. As an application we define consistent generalized Scherk-Schwarz reductions using a novel notion of generalized parallelization. This allows us to prove the consistency of the truncations of D=6, N=(1,1) and D=6, N=(2,0) supergravity on AdS3×S3.



12/10/17, 13H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Ale Rodriguez



N=1 Supersymmetric Double Field Theory

Olaf HohmSeung Ki Kwak



We construct the N=1 supersymmetric extension of double field theory for D=10, including the coupling to an arbitrary number n of abelian vector multiplets. This theory features a local O(1,9+n) x O(1,9) tangent space symmetry under which the fermions transform. It is shown that the supersymmetry transformations close into the generalized diffeomorphisms of double field theory.



04/10/17, 13H (Aula Chica)


Speaker: Yago Cagnacci


General constructions of L∞ algebras

Olaf HohmVladislav KupriyanovDieter LustMatthias Traube


We construct L∞ algebras for general `initial data' given by a vector space equipped with an antisymmetric bracket not necessarily satisfying the Jacobi identity. We prove that any such bracket can be extended to a 2-term L∞ algebra on a graded vector space of twice the dimension, with the 3-bracket being related to the Jacobiator. We then prove the significantly more general theorem that if the Jacobiator takes values in the image of any linear map that defines an ideal there is a 3-term L∞ algebra with a generally non-trivial 4-bracket. We discuss special cases such as the commutator algebra of octonions, its contraction to the `R-flux algebra', and the Courant algebroid.

Programa de profesores visitantes UBA


Nov 2017 (Departamento de Física, UBA)


Fernando Marchesano


Lectures on String Theory, particle physics and cosmology.



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Last update 10 July 2019

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