String Theory Group at Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Speaker: Alejandro Rosabal
Extended geometry and gauged maximal supergravity
We consider generalized diffeomorphisms on an extended mega-space associated to the U-duality group of gauged maximal supergravity in four dimensions, E_7. Through the bein for the extended metric we derive dynamical (field-dependent) fluxes taking values in the representations allowed by supersymmetry, and obtain their quadratic constraints from gauge consistency conditions. A covariant generalized Ricci tensor is introduced, defined in terms of a connection for the generalized diffeomorphisms. We show that for any torsionless and metric-compatible generalized connection...

Speaker: Carmen Nuñez
Duality Rotations in String Theory
M.J. Duff
Duality symmetric closed string theory and interacting chiral scalars
Arkady A. Tseytlin

Speaker: Diego Marques
Comments on double field theory and diffeomorphisms
As the theory is subject to a section condition, coordinates in double field theory do not represent physical points in an injective manner. We argue that a physical point should be rather one-to-one identified with a `gauge orbit' in the coordinate space. The diffeomorphism symmetry then implies an invariance under arbitrary reparametrizations of the gauge orbits. Within this generalized sense of diffeomorphism, we show that a recently proposed tensorial transformation rule for finite coordinate transformations is actually (i) consistent with the standard exponential map...

Speaker: Oscar Bedoya
Two vierbein formalism for string inspired axionic gravity
W. Siegel
Using independent left and right vierbeins to describe graviton plus axion as suggested by string mechanics, O(d,d) duality can be realized linearly.

Speaker: Carmen Nuñez
T-duality of the Riemann curvature corrections to supergravity
We examine the known Riemann curvature corrections to the supergravity action at order α′3 under the T-duality transformations. Using the compatibility of the action with the linear T-duality and with the S-matrix calculations as guiding principles, we have found the couplings of four B-field strengths and the couplings of two Riemann curvatures and two B-field strengths at order α′3. Using the S-matrix calculations we have also found new dilaton couplings in the string frame at this order.

Speaker: Victor Penas
Gauge theory of Kaluza-Klein and winding modes
We perform a Kaluza-Klein inspired rewriting of double field theory by splitting the coordinates into `compact' and `non-compact' directions. There is no truncation of the compact coordinates or their duals, and so this formulation is manifestly O(d,d) invariant, with d the number of compact directions. The action can serve as starting point for arbitrary Kaluza-Klein ansaetze. For a torus background the theory describes the full tower of Kaluza-Klein modes or, in the dual frame, of the winding modes.iton plus axion as suggested by string mechanics, O(d,d) duality can be realized linearly...

Speaker: Oscar Bedoya
Doubled α'-Geometry
O. Hohm, W. Siegel and B. Zwiebach
We develop doubled-coordinate field theory to determine the \alpha' corrections to the massless sector of oriented bosonic closed string theory. Our key tool is a string current algebra of free left-handed bosons that makes O(D,D) T-duality manifest. While T-dualities are unchanged, diffeomorphisms and b-field gauge transformations receive corrections, with a gauge algebra given by an \alpha'-deformation of the duality-covariantized Courant bracket...

Speaker: Diego Marques
Exceptional Form of D=11 Supergravity
Eleven-dimensional supergravity reveals large exceptional symmetries upon reduction, in accordance with the U-duality groups of M-theory, but their higher-dimensional geometric origin has remained a mystery. In this letter, we show that D=11 supergravity can be extended to be fully covariant under the exceptional groups E_{n(n)}, n=6,7,8. Motivated by a similar formulation of double field theory we introduce an extended `exceptional spacetime'...

Speaker: Victor Penas
Covariant action for a string in doubled yet gauged spacetime
The section condition in double field theory has been shown to imply that a physical point should be one-to-one identified with a gauge orbit in the doubled coordinate space. Here we show the converse is also true and continue to explore the idea of `spacetime being doubled yet gauged'. Introducing an appropriate gauge connection, we construct a string action, with an arbitrary generalized metric, which is completely covariant with respect to the coordinate gauge symmetry, generalized diffeomorphisms, world-sheet diffeomorphisms and O(D,D) T-duality...

Speaker: Victor Penas
The Spacetime of Double Field Theory: Review, Remarks, and Outlook
We review double field theory (DFT) with emphasis on the doubled spacetime and its generalized coordinate transformations, which unify diffeomorphisms and b-field gauge transformations. We illustrate how the composition of generalized coordinate transformations fails to associate. Moreover, in dimensional reduction, the O(d,d) T-duality transformations of fields can be obtained as generalized diffeomorphisms. Restricted to a half-dimensional subspace, DFT includes `generalized geometry', but is more general...

Speaker: Mariana Graña
Alpha-prime corrections for manifolds with SU(3)-structure

Speaker: Carmen Nuñez
Duality completion of higher derivative corrections
We present a new method for completing higher derivative corrections for theories that exhibit duality symmetries under reduction. This proposal is based on the observation that duality symmetry in the reduced theory highly constrains the form of the unreduced theory. We apply this idea to closed bosonic string theory and complete the Riemann squared term to simply derive the known full tree-level effective action to order alpha'.

Speaker: Juan Martin Maldacena
Geometría y entrelazamiento
En teorias cuanticas con duales gravitatorios, la entropia de entrelazamiento puede ser calculada a traves de la geometria asociada. Es posible tener espacio-tiempos que conectan dos regiones asimptoticas. En estos casos la estructura del espacio tiempo parece estar directamente relacionada con el entrelazamiento presente en el estado cuantico de dos sistemas que no interactuan directamente. Esto tiene consecuencias interesantes cuando consideramos agujeros negros.

Speaker: Oscar Bedoya
Natural curvature for manifest T-duality
We reformulate the manifestly T-dual description of the massless sector of the closed bosonic string, directly from the geometry associated with the (left and right) affine Lie algebra of the coset space Poincare/Lorentz. This construction initially doubles not only the (spacetime) coordinates for translations but also those for Lorentz transformations (and their dual). As a result, the Lorentz connection couples directly to the string...

Speaker: Diego Marqués
Extended geometry and the tensor hierarchy

Friday 6 Dic, 14H, Aula Chica
Speaker: Victor Penas
Alice falls into a black hole: Entanglement in non-inertial frames
Two observers determine the entanglement between two free bosonic modes by each detecting one of the modes and observing the correlations between their measurements. We show that a state which is maximally entangled in an inertial frame becomes less entangled if the observers are relatively accelerated. This phenomenon, which is a consequence of the Unruh effect, shows that entanglement is an observer-dependent quantity in non-inertial frames. In the high acceleration limit, our results can be applied to a non-accelerated observer falling into a black hole while the accelerated one barely escapes. If the observer escapes with infinite acceleration, the state's distillable entanglement vanishes.

Wed 11 Dic, 15H, Aula Chica
Speaker: Oscar Bedoya
On alpha-prime corrections in Heterotic Double Field Theory

Fri 27 Dic, 14H, Aula Chica
Speaker: Mario Galante
Effective Field Theory for Inflation
Power-counting and the Validity of the Classical Approximation During Inflation