String Theory Group at Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Postdocs in the group are hired through fellowships granted by the National Research Council (CONICET). These are two year positions with the possibility to apply for a permanent position after some time. The call for applications is usually during July or August every year, the results are published in December and the position is available on 1st April of the following year. Unfortunatly, the academic year in Argentina is six months out of phase to the European / US cycle.
We will recieve applications for one postdoc possition until May 30 2019, to start in April 2020. Interested applicants should send a CV (including publication list) and a research statement to Prof. Carmen Nuñez (carmen@iafe.uba.ar), and arange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address.
For more information, contact Prof. Carmen Nuñez (carmen@iafe.uba.ar).
PhD students in the group are hired through fellowships granted by the National Research Council (CONICET) or UBA fellowships. These are 5 year positions, the call for applications is usually during July or August every year, the results are published in December and the position is available on 1st April of the following year.
Among the topics we propose are: Supergravity, Duality in String and M-Theory, Flux compactifications, Generalized Geometry, etc.
For a review on these topics we refer to:
http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1305.1907 & http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1306.2643
Interested students should contact Prof. Carmen Nuñez (carmen@iafe.uba.ar).