String Theory Group at Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, Buenos Aires, Argentina

09/07/19, 13:00H (Aula Chica)
Speaker: Tomy Codina
Generalised fluxes, Yang-Baxter deformations and the O(d,d) structure of non-abelian T-duality
Based on the construction of Poisson-Lie T-dual σ-models from a common parent action we study a candidate for the non-abelian respectively Poisson-Lie T-duality group. This group generalises the well-known abelian T-duality group O(d,d) and we explore some of its subgroups, namely factorised dualities, B- and β-shifts. The corresponding duality transformed σ-models are constructed and interpreted as generalised (non-geometric) flux backgrounds.
We also comment on generalisations of results and techniques known from abelian T-duality. This includes the Lie algebra cohomology interpretation of the corresponding non-geometric flux backgrounds, remarks on a double field theory based on non-abelian T-duality and an application to the investigation of Yang-Baxter deformations. This will show that homogeneously Yang-Baxter deformed σ-models are exactly the non-abelian T-duality β-shifts when applied to principal chiral models.

The group conducts weekly Journal Clubs were the last papers on the literature are discussed. Normaly they are informal and last more than two hours. They are alternatively led by different members of the group, who are suppsosed to expose the idea and main results, and incentivate discussions.
Right now, the JCs are mostly on the recent literature on (Gauged) Supergravity, Generalized Geometry, String Pheno and Duality Invariant Field Theories, such as Double Field Theory.
We have also regular seminars offered by visitors. If you are interested in offering a seminar, please contact the organizer.
The strings@ar network unites all the string theorists of Argentina (mostly of the Buenos Aires and La Plata area), organizing monthly seminars, mostly from visiting speakers from abroad. They are organized by J. Edelstein, N. Grandi, C. Nuñez and M. Schvellinger, For more information visit the webpage.
There are also activities organized by the HEP group at the Physcis Department of Universidad de Buenos Aires.