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DAY  1

October 29th


9:50 hs

A string theory landscape?

Mariana Graña

10:00 hs

Aspects of duality and Double Field Theory

Gerardo Aldazabal

10:45 hs


Coffee break

11:30 hs

Duality invariance and winding modes in Double Field Theory

Sergio Iguri

12:00 hs



Lunch break

12:45 hs

Enhancement and Non-Commutativity in Double Field Theoy

Martín Mayo

14:30 hs


Coffee break

15:15 hs

A new twist on heterotic string compactifications

Bernardo Fraiman 

15:45 hs

DAY  2

October 30th

T-duality and alpha' corrections

Carmen Nuñez

10:00 hs

New perspectives on curvature corrections

Walter Baron

10:45 hs


Coffee break

11:30 hs

Computing higher derivatives in N=1 Supersymmetric Double Field Theory

Eric Lescano

12:00 hs


Lunch break

12:45 hs

Connections in Double Field Theory

Victor Penas

14:30 hs


Coffee break

15:15 hs

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